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Straight Away to Orion

a visualization of exoplanetary systems as small multiples and in 3D

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Features and Usage

all fatures and usages are for running this app on CAVE2 if not noticed otherwise


The Small Multiples

The Center System
The 3D universe


Tip: keep the wand pointing to a star and move it (e.g. translating right while rotating left), you can orbit the star like a planet

Changing Scale Factors (distance/size/time)

Showing Different Systems

Adding System to Center

  1. Use the menu option 'move to center' to enter moving mode
  2. You will see an orange pointer on the wall. Move it around and select a system as the female voice guides you
  3. Press Button3 to cancel, Button2 to select. There will be voice responses as feedback to keep you knowing what status you are in
  4. The selected system will be displayed above the Solar system in the center with the same scale factor for comparison
  5. The name of the selected system will be highlighted with red text in the 3D universe

Note 1: There are three different multi-star systems in my data. 1) part of a binary system (5), where planets orbit around one of the two stars (and the other star is orbiting around this star too), 2) circumbinary system (2), where planets orbit around both stars, and 3) trinary system (1), where are three stars. Currently only the visualization of the first type is available

Showing More Information of System

Reordering the Small Multiples

  1. Use the menu option 'reorder small multiples' to enter ordering mode
  2. You will see an orange pointer on the wall. Move it around and select a system to order as the female voice guides you, or press Button3 to quit ordering mode. Voice response will let you know if your selection is successful
  3. Click on where you want the selected system to go, or press Button3 to cancel your selection and back to step 2. Voice response will let you know if ordering is successful.
  4. Other systems in between of the origin and the destination of the selected system will move accordingly, and you will be back to step 2 to make another ordering again

Hiding the Small Multiples

Saving/Loading Configuration

Note 2: currently 'later' means 'later this time' (i.e. you can only load configuration during the same run)

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